The Crazy Crew

The Crazy Crew

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resolutions . . . on Easter????

April 4, 2010
How are all of you doing on those New Year’s resolutions??? Me . . .well I am still in the starting phase on most of them and here we are at Easter!! I have 2 books partially read, have purchased more exercise items that haven’t been used, have thought many times about organizing things, and have watched too much TV. Wow, at this rate nothing would be done by Dec 31st this year.

This got me thinking, we all get caught up in the freshness of a new year. Somehow the number flip from one year to another makes us think of being better people and improving ourselves inside and out. Yet here we are at Easter and I am no softer on the inside or firmer on my outside!!! So much for the “listen more” and “eat less junk” I swore would be the new me and was exactly what I wanted to aspire to back on Jan 1st.

I now think that Easter may be the day to begin anew and make resolutions for the year. My theory is that Jesus rose from the ashes and I am fairly certain he would want us to do that as well . . . or at least try to drag ourselves out of whatever personal ashes our New Year’s resolutions crashed and burned in during the last 3 months. We should honor ourselves enough to rise up and out of the self doubt, unwarranted fear, and complacency and give to ourselves all those things, or at least a couple of them that we wanted so badly only three short months ago.

Maybe it is Spring more than any other time that screams NEWNESS and BETTER to us all. For me Spring certainly means change. We change wardrobe from bulky and overpowering to anything light and breezy. There is cleaning, organizing, purging, flowers bloom, trees bud, warmth returns to our day, and the days lengthen blessing us with more sunshine in our lives. Easter is the day in this wonderful season of renewal that symbolizes the extent of the possibility for newness and grants us all a huge opportunity . . . a New Year’s resolution DO OVER!

To everyone I say . . . Dig out that resolutions list, cross out where it says “New Year” before resolution and write in “New Me”. Start a new tradition with me. Pick yourself up, dust off those ashes and take full advantage of starting fresh today!

Maybe I will check back in on July 4th and let you know what I did when I decided to give myself a second chance at 2010’s resolutions! Here is to having some great things happen or I will have to come up with one hell of an “Independence from resolutions” talk to cover up!

Happy Easter everyone! Be thankful for what you have today and even more thankful for what you don’t! I know I am. I truly am blessed.

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